Veteran Artist!

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈHi friends, I would love to share a brief story with you. In my short flight from Chicago to Virginia two days ago I sat next to a man who was a Vietnam veteran. This kind man saw me drawing in my sketchbook and asked if I was an artist. After answering yes, he told me he was one too! He said that he used writing and drawing to cope with his PTSD over the years and it was a sort of therapy for him. By writing and drawing about his experiences in Vietnam he has been able to honor those that were lost and continue his own healing process.

We talked the whole flight about both of our relationships with art and how it can help heal people who have traumas in their lives. Towards the end of the flight he said he loved meeting artists because there is something unique about them. They document history in a way and create something that outlives them. This man chose mostly to give his drawings to his family and close friends in hopes that he would be remembered through his art. He gave me permission to share a few of his drawings on social media because I felt this story was important to share.

This man told me that war strips you of your identity and humanity but art can help restore these key aspects of yourself. So please remember these selfless people who have sacrificed so much for our safety. We are forever grateful πŸ™πŸ»

My Favorites from Life Drawing

At the beginning of this summer in Los Alamos I found a flyer for weekly life drawing sessions hosted a the local art center. So throughout the summer I've been trying to go as frequently as I can to sharpen my skills and meet some fellow creatives.

These life drawing sessions have been a real treat for me for a few reasons. The other people in the class were welcoming and not afraid to hide their quirks. And I loved being able to practice rendering figures and working with a medium other than oil paint.

Here are a few of my favorite drawings that I have created so far. These drawings are results of different time limits that we were restricted by. The time limits varied from 30 seconds to 15 minutes.